Monday, May 25, 2009
10,000 miles and a car wreck
This week would mark one of the top scares of my life. I was in a car accident on my way to work. Luckily it was a VERY minor accident. More like a scratch here and there. All I can say is that it scared me to death! I was shaking like no other and it really didn't help that they couldn't speak english. It was the first car accident that I have ever been in so it shook me up pretty good. When I got in my car last night to go to work I looked at my odometer and my mileage was 9999. So little mileage and already an accident :( Atleast I was able to walk away from it unharmed. I know someone was watching over me. Thank you :)
My pretty car
Friday, May 22, 2009
The following day
Of course I wanted to write about my picture taking experience! But I have to say both me and Seth had a GREAT day yesterday! Yesterday was the first day that since Seth has been here and we were both off together that we did not spend yesterday together. Seth had planned a man day with his buddy from work. They were going to go to breakfast at IHOP and then off to see two movies...Terminator Salvation and Star Trek. (I've already see Star Trek with out him! hehe). I had appointments all day long. 11 o'clock was hair, 1 o'clock was makeup, and 6:30 was picture time!! We had no idea how everything was going to work out so we wanted plenty of time to be able to get ready for the pictures. But before Seth left for his man day he got a call from his chief. He thought they were trying to call him to come in on his day off BUT instead they called to tell him he made next rank!! I am SO SO SO SO SO SUPER EXCITED for him! I am so proud of him!! Honestly neither of us thought this would happen. I had prayed for him that day but when he got home he said their were alot of questions that he didn't know. Mainly about the boat of which I know he's in the navy but he's never been on a ship! But the Lord works in great ways! And he made next rank!!!! YEA!! He's been doing so good at work it's really awesome! The other awesome thing that Seth was recently selected for is called SRT, Security Reaction Team. He was asked to be in the primary team where if any disasters like Hurricane Katrina happen again then he will be shipped off to go and help. I am so proud of him! :D eks!!!! After the chief had called and talked to Seth I was like jumping around all over the house. Jumping on him! It was so exciting. Seth was the only one to advance to his new rank in all of security at his base. The only other one to advance in security with Seth was a guy who made 3rd class. Seth is now SECOND CLASS!! WOOHOOOO!! Out of the WHOLE ENTIRE Navy the number of people to advance to 2nd class (That'd be Seth now ;P) was only 8%. That is so awesome! So our day started out great! After that he left and me and my mom started getting things together for our big day. At 11 we went and got my hair done which turned out BEAUTIFUL!!! Then I went and got my makeup done by airbrush! Thats so cool! But it tickles me. hehe. Then me and my mom went and ate lunch at Jason's Deli and I had me a big ol' salad with some ice cream. :) Hey! I can't be ALL healthy. I have to add a little fat somewhere. Then since we had a little time to spare we hit up a couple stores to look for a little miscellanous wedding stuff. Which we found but were more expensive then what we wanted to pay for them. So we headed off to Las Colinas where we were going to meet up with the photographer. The photographer took about 2 hours shooting pictures! whew! And afterwards I was exhausted!!! I had ssssooo much fun! I was a little tense at first but then I started to loosen up. The photographer was so informative and made me feel so comfortable. He was telling us what he was looking for in the pictures not only with me but also explaining to us how he takes the pictures and what he looks for. We had alot of fun! Afterwards he gave us a few tips on the wedding and then we scurried off to get home. I really wanted to celebrate Seth's success but it was way to late! So me and my mom stopped by the grocery store and picked up Seth an oreo cookie cake and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream (our favorite). We had fun! Celebrated! WOW! WHAT A DAY! It was an awesome and blessed day for both me and Seth!
Getting my hair done for bridal portraits
My handsome man in his uniform :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bridal Portraits!
Today is such an exciting day for me! I'm off work and going to get my bridal portraits done! EKS!!! I'M SO EXCITED! We are going to Las Colinas to shoot for the pictures. Last night me and Seth had a good night. We ate some good dinner prepared from my mom and Albertsons. Then we FINALLY watched Marley & Me. I've been wanting to see this movie forever and we bought it a long time ago. Last night was the the first night we actually had a chance to watch it. That dog was bad! My goodness! I loved the part when Marley attacked the dog trainer because her hair reminded him of a poodle. LOL! That was hilarious. It was a good movie and of course I was sobbing at the end :( It was very sad. And after 22 hours of being up I hit the sack quickly after the movie was over. Allllrrriiiggghhhtttyyyyyyy well I'm off to getting ready for the bridal portraits! Wish me luck!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
SIgned it!
We finally signed the lease!! Me and Seth are both SUPER excited! After much anticipation and waiting we finally heard from them last week that we were approved. Actually we were approved a month or so ago but they said that since neither of us had rental history that we would have to pay a deposit. The deposit was $300 per person. $600 total. Thats too much! The only way we could get out of it was to have someone else vouch for us. And they had to make 5x the amount of our monthly rent. But thankfully we did find someone and after much waiting everything went through and it was all approved! Thanks Mike! So yesterday we went and signed our lease! It's official! We are able to pick up the keys on July 1st! Seth will move in July 1st and then I will move in after we come back from our honeymoon! :D So excited! July 1st will give us some time to try to start moving things in little by little instead all at once. Except for that my weekends to work are actually the first two weekends in July. Then the 3rd weekend is the wedding! YEA!!!! So I don't know how much we will actually get moved in but we are both very excited. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD (that's my happy happy face!!) :D
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Sent out!
This was a big and exciting week for us! After hours and hours of my mom slaving away we are finally finished making the invitations! They were sent out this week! How exciting!! We definately were! Seth already RSVPd! ;p lol. That dork! The invitations are beautiful. I couldn't ask for more...I really love them! If you still have the envelope to the invitation pull it back out! I know you probably didn't know or did not notice but the stamp on the envelope is a picture of mine and Seth's ring. How cool is that!? Hope to see everybody come out and celebrate our special day with us!
Front of the invitation
Best pic I could get of our cool stamp!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I made it!
The tv went out this weekend and the service people did not open till Monday. So with no tv I didn't have much else to do besides be a little crafty. So I made a necklace! I also like to scrapbook and I have taken sewing classes and made a few things from that but only IN class. I've never sewn anything on my own. I'm not very advanced on jewelry making either but I do know the basics so I like to make necklaces every once in awhile.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Panda Bear
The newest addition to our family! Seems like that has been happening alot lately. lol. Hopefully this will be the last one for awhile! Seth has decided on which puppy to keep! Her name...Panda Bear Ochoa. She's a really pretty girl. Very laid back but likes to play and rustle every once in awhile. This will be Seth's first dog that he will raise from when she was a puppy. It's already been a learning experience for him. lol. I told him puppies were just like babies! But he didn't believe me. Now he knows! hehehe. We are working on her being potty trained. It is coming slowly but I think she's doing a good job.
Lil' Panda Bear Ochoa
Friday, May 8, 2009
Watch the video!~
Me and Seth finally got to relax and spend some time with each other. I planned a little cheap date for us to do. Even though we get to spend alot of time together we are always busy or always with other people. So it was nice to finally spend some time alone. The weather was a little groggy...sprinkling a little bit so half my date got cancelled. One of my favorite things to do is to go to the park with Seth and Abby and throw the ball/frisbee for her. But since the weather wasn't so great I had to cancel that part. I took Seth to Carl's Jr! It's his favorite restaurant! In Cali Carl's Jr. is pretty much on every corner! It's ridiculous how many they have! haha. Here it's pretty scarce! But I did find one close by. It was a suprise for Seth. I didn't tell him I was taking him there. So when we got there he was like..."Baby! There's a Carl's Jr!" I have to admit it was pretty good. I really liked it. I have a feeling we will be eating there all the time! We also watched a video that I purchased not to long ago. I bought a set of 4 dvds all by Louie Giglio. I watched this video that a friend had got and I thought this was AMAZING! I'm still so enthralled by it. It talks about the human body and if you know anything about science then you know that the human body is amazing. Your body always tries to compensate and help you heal when you are sick. Its really crazy! So this really hit me! WOW! God is with you every minute of everyday! Regardless of what's going on in your life...He is always there to support you. Take a look at this....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A visitor!
On Saturday Seth's aunt came out to visit us. She's originally from California but moved to Austin several months ago. I'm so happy we were finally able to meet up! I thought Austin was about 4/5 hours away but she said it only took her about 3 hours, I think? So that's not bad! Austin is such a pretty city but I heard that it's horrible right now for all the people with allergies. That'd be me! haha. But me and Seth plan on going to visit her sometime after the wedding when things start to settle down a little. After she got here we went to meet up with my family and had dinner. It was me, Seth, Aunt Jane, my dad, mom, and Mike. It was the first time for my family and his side of the family to meet eachother! Interesting!! hahaha. So here are a couple pics of Seth and his aunt.
Watching tv while waiting for the storm to pass
Seth & his aunt
p.s. I do have to say that this week I have really been enjoying watching Abby and Audrey play together. It's been alot of fun seeing my little girl play and interact with other dogs.
little Audrey & Abby playing
p.s. I do have to say that this week I have really been enjoying watching Abby and Audrey play together. It's been alot of fun seeing my little girl play and interact with other dogs.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
A new addition
We have a new addition to the family! Not me and Seth...well not yet...and not a baby either. hehe. My dad has a puppy! Her name is Audrey and she's so beautiful. I'm sure me and Seth will be getting one soon so that will be another blog. But as for's all about Audrey and my dad. The story behind Audrey....I guess I should go back in time a little bit. lol. If you haven't figured it out yet we are a border collie family. When I was younger we bought our first border collie from an old friend and ever since then we have loved em! They are awesome dogs! They are sssoooo smart, sweet, and protective. They really are great dogs. So the oldest dog we have is my dad's, Kelsey Doodle. Then we had Riley Bo, my mom's. My mom also got Rascal and Haley(brother and sister). I have Abby Dabby and now my dad has Audrey. The story behind Audrey and probably the one that we will eventually have goes like this... It's kinda a bitter sweet moment but few months ago Riley had developed a large bump on his forehead. My mom took him to the vet and they told her it was an infection. The vet gave him some antibiotics and sent him home but the bump never went away. It seemed like it was only getting bigger and it was getting harder for him to breathe. My mom again took him up to the vet. They wanted to do an MRI and were going to aspirate the fluid from the bump. When the took him in they aspirated the fluid out and about 30 minutes later the fluid filled back up. They took a biopsy while doing all this and the prognosis came back as cancer. He had sinus cancer. The vet told them that all they could do was just to take him home and make him feel comfortable. That was pretty much all we could do. I know my mom is probably crying about now. (I'm sorry mommas) In the end they had to put him down. It was too much of a struggle to breathe and he was constantly in pain. A few days after my mom had put him down she was in the kitchen and looked down at Hailey. Hailey looked big! But this wasn't the first time because she had gone through several false pregnancies. So my mom bent down to feel her tummy and it was as hard as a rock! Haley was indeed pregnant!! She had her puppies a few weeks later....10! Goodness! We always joke that Riley Bo went out with a bang! lol. But it's still been a big roller coaster for our family. Haley had 10 puppies. 1 was stillborn and 3 were very small, sick, and premature. We didn't notice for a couple days. One of those 3 didn't make it. So we ended up with 8 total puppies. And now we have beautiful baby Audrey! She's already learning to sit, had her first car ride, is being potty trained, and lays down like a frog like Kelsey doodle! I think the cutest part of it all is that she just wags her tail EVERYWHERE she goes! No matter what she's doing...walking around..being outside...everything...she just wags her tail. I think it's so cute!
Audrey and dad's first meeting
1st picture together!
Audrey and Kelsey Doodle laying like frogs!
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