I am pretty excited about this weekend. Me, Seth, and my dad are taking a small trip to a small city. We are going camping and fishing! This is a family tradition that we have and I am so excited to show Seth EVERYTHING! I mean their is not much to do but it's very peaceful and quiet. I really enjoy it. We try to go every year when we can but for the past few years we have not been able to go. I had school, my dad had work, and then I had work. I am STOKED!! I love fishing in the morning when the siren sounds and all the fish start biting anything and everything. So fun! Then going to the tent to take a nap. It's all so peaceful to me. My dad told me that it's suppose to be pretty cold but hopefully we will be able to tough it out. haha. The last time me and my dad went we had thunderstorms for about 3 night in a row. We were up in the middle of the night looking out of the tent wondering if we were going to have to pack up and leave. A guy came by and told us that if the siren went off then we would have 10 minutes to get out and then it would come a floodin! Scarrrryyy! So hopefully we can triumph cold weather. Guess what I finally have for you....!!!! My pics from the big day!!! We had so many great pics but here are a few!drum roll plz....

Seeing my dad for the first time that day :)

Placing the ring on his finger

Our first dance

Cutting the cake

the garter toss